Dr. Vatana Chea

Dr. CHEA Vatana has joined CamTech as a founding member in 2021. Prior to that, he worked as a researcher at a policy think-tank. He holds a master degree in private law from the Royal University of Law and Economics, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and a master and Ph.D degree in demography from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. He was also a PhD intern at the Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale and simultaneously at Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy. His research interest includes population projection, migration and development, human capital development, and economics of household. He has authored and co-authored more than a dozen peer-reviewed scientific articles including book chapters and journals in ISI and SCOPUS database.


  1. Chea, V., You, S. K., & Song, S. (forthcoming). Do Garment Workers Want to Attend Skills Training? It Depends! CDRI Discussion Paper.
  2.  Chea, V. (). Effects of Remittances on Household Poverty and Inequality in Cambodia. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy.
  3. Chea, V., & Chen, S. (forthcoming). New Generation School: A Remedy for Cambodian Chronic Challenges in Delivering Quality Education? ISEAS Perspective.
  4. Wongboonsin, P., & Chea, V. (forthcoming). Decoding Cambodian SES data: Impact of Remittances on Household Investment in Education. In P. Wongboonsin (Ed.), Decoding Migration in ASEAN+3 and Policy Implications. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University Press.
  5. Chea, V., & Wongboonsin, P. (forthcoming). Decoding Cambodian Internal and International Migration. In P. Wongboonsin (Eds.), Decoding Migration in ASEAN+3 and Policy Implications. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University Press.
  6. Chea, V., & Wongboonsin, P. (2020). Children of Internal Migrant: Does Moving with Parent Affect Schooling Progression? Sojourn, 35(3), 437–462.
  7. Chea, V., & Wongboonsin, P. (2020). Do Remittances Increase Household Investment in Education? Evidence from Cambodia During and After the Global Financial Crisis. Journal of Population and Social Studies, 28(5), 1–21.
  8. Chea, V., & Wongboonsin, P. (2019). Migration, Remittances, and Child Growth: Evidence from Cambodia. Journal of Demography, 35(1), 28–61.
  9. Chea, V. (2018). Chapter 3: Cambodia. In E. Loichinger & W. Pothisiri (Eds.), Care for Older Persons in ASEAN+3: The Role of Families and Local and National Support Systems. Bangkok: Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, Thailand.
  10. Chea, V. (2017). Employment Practice Beyond Mass Legalization: Are Cambodian Migrant Workers Satisfied with It? Paper presented at the International Conference to Commemorate International Migration Day, entitled “A Force Matches into Uncertainty: Migration Security and Justice.” December 18th – 19th, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
  11. Chea, V., & Kobjaiklang, C. (2017). Rise of Cambodia: Understanding Khmer Culture and Society. In R. Rojjanaprapayon (Ed). Comparative Studies in ASEAN Cultures and Societies. Bangkok: Semadhama Publishing House.
  12. Chea, V., & Wongboonsin, P. (2016). Determinants of Choices of Destination of Cambodian Unskilled Labor Migrants. Peer-reviewed proceeding paper presented at the 9th Next-Generation Global Workshop, entitled “Transcultural Dynamics of Asia and Europe: Mobility, Negotiation and Transformation”, September 26th – 27th, Kyoto University, Japan.
  13. Chea, V. (2015). The Destination Choices of Cambodian Unskilled Migrant Labors: The Role of Social Proximity. Peer-reviewed proceeding paper presented at the 2015 International Conference on Population Studies, on November 20th, Bangkok, Thailand.
Funded Research
  • 2020 - 2023 Ponlok Chomnes Initiative Fund, the Asia Foundation. (~ 350,000 USD) 
  • 2019 - 2021 Lancang-Mekong Project, Lancang-Mekong Cooperation China Secretariat. (~ 320,000 USD) 
  • 2019 - 2020 The 90th Anniversary Chulalongkorn University Research Fund (Ratchada Phisek Somphot Endowment Fund), Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University (4,000 USD). 
  • 2018 - 2019 Fellowship, Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale (Center for the Studies of International Politics). (10,000 Euro).
  • 2016 - 2019 The 100th Anniversary Chulalongkorn University for Doctoral Scholarship, Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University. (~ 35,800 USD). 
  • 2014 - 2016  Scholarship for International Graduate Students in ASEAN Countries, Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University. (~ 23,900 USD).

Service and Leadership
  • Since 2018: Member of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
  • Since 2019: Member of the Asian Meta Center for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis 
  • Since 2019: Member of the board, Comparative Education Society of Cambodia. 
  • Since 2021: RStudio Global Diversity Scholar.
Teaching and Supervision
  • Statistics (intro and advance) 
  • Econometric (intro and advance) 
  • Quantitative research method, demography 
  • Population economics, R for data science.
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