Cyber Security Network

Security in Cyberspace is in itself a vast subject – a whole new elephant to analyze. Some may concentrate on the economic impact of cyberspace and others on the socially transformative aspects, yet others on the technological development itself, or on behavior of cyber criminals. In order to contribute to the safety and security of cyberspace, the “Cyber Security Network (CSN)” is established.

Our Mission:
  • Contribute to improve policy for strategic decision making through research, dialogue, public debate, policy engagement, forum and training on cyber related issues, emerging and critical technologies.
  • Building partnership and works as an independent think tank to provide input to government, industry, academia or any other research institutes, civil society, and media.
Our Objectives:
  • Work as a platform for research on, but not limited to, cybersecurity, cyber diplomacy, cyber defense, cyber crimes, cyber terrorism and emerging technology.
  • Conduct interdisciplinary study of regional cyber issues that can impact to national security and economic integration.
  • Develop practical and strategic solutions for today’s cyber-3 issues challenges.
Our Programs:
  • P1. Cyber governance and policy 
  • P2. Cyber diplomacy and geopolitics 
  • P3. Cybersecurity and technology 
  • P4. Cyber capacity building 
  • P5. Cyber culture and society 

Contact Us:
  • Email:
  • Tel:
  • Center Website:


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