Mr. Pharino Chum

Mr. Pharino Chum is the Dean of Faculty of Engineering of Cambodia University of Technology and Science in Kingdom of Cambodia. Trained in Information and Communication Engineering, he joint various universities in Cambodia and Ministry of Information successfully launched first ever Robocon Cambodia in 2014. He has engaging in developing academic program for engineering degree for top university and institutes in Cambodia as engineering professional.

Mr. Pharino Chum, is completing his PhD in Human Centered Studies Major in Information and Communication Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, thanked to kindness of scholarship program from people of Japan thought JICA program. He graduated master degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Chung-Ang University from Republic of Korea through Chung-Ang University Young Scientist Scholarship program.

With engineering expertise and enthusiastic in advance robotic and biomedical engineering, he received various grants inform of researches and scholarship, including grant for developing prototype mobile robot for disable patient using brain-computer interface technology. His research interests aim to promote sustainable development for developing countries through technology in the context of social and environmental impact. He is a member of Robocon Cambodia Committee and IEEE fellow. 


Funded Research:

  • PhD research " Development of Signal Source Estimation using EEG", JICA, April 2017-December 2020.
  • "Integrated Autonomous and Brain-Control Robot Arm for Obstacle Avoiding Mobile Robot" from Takahashi Industrial and Economical Research Foundation.Implementation period April 2016-March 2017.

Service and Leadership:
  • Cambodia Robocon Committee

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